Mental Model:

Lotus Blossom Technique

Associations, Creativity Strategy, Exploration of Ideas

The Lotus Blossom Technique is a creativity strategy that encourages the exploration of ideas and associations by expanding upon a central concept or problem.


1. Start with a central idea or problem.

2. Generate eight sub-ideas around the central idea.

3. For each sub-idea, generate eight more sub-ideas.

4. Repeat step 3 for a total of three levels of sub-ideas.

5. Analyze the sub-ideas and identify potential solutions or insights.

Mental Model:

Lotus Blossom Technique

Associations, Creativity Strategy, Exploration of Ideas

The Lotus Blossom Technique is a creativity strategy that encourages the exploration of ideas and associations by expanding upon a central concept or problem.


1. Start with a central idea or problem.

2. Generate eight sub-ideas around the central idea.

3. For each sub-idea, generate eight more sub-ideas.

4. Repeat step 3 for a total of three levels of sub-ideas.

5. Analyze the sub-ideas and identify potential solutions or insights.