Mental Model:

Design Sprint

Collaborative Process, Design Sprint, Time-Constrained

A design sprint is a time-constrained, collaborative process for solving complex problems and developing innovative solutions through prototyping and iteration.


1. Define the problem and set a clear goal for the design sprint.

2. Conduct research and gather insights about the problem and target users.

3. Generate multiple solutions through brainstorming and sketching.

4. Decide on the best solution and create a prototype.

5. Test the prototype with users and gather feedback for further iterations.

Mental Model:

Design Sprint

Collaborative Process, Design Sprint, Time-Constrained

A design sprint is a time-constrained, collaborative process for solving complex problems and developing innovative solutions through prototyping and iteration.


1. Define the problem and set a clear goal for the design sprint.

2. Conduct research and gather insights about the problem and target users.

3. Generate multiple solutions through brainstorming and sketching.

4. Decide on the best solution and create a prototype.

5. Test the prototype with users and gather feedback for further iterations.