Mental Model:
Persuasive Technology (PT)
AI Systems, Intended Behavior, Persuasive Technology
AI systems that persuade people towards an intended behavior
1. Clearly define the desired behavior change you want to achieve.
2. Design and develop technology that can facilitate and support the desired behavior.
3. Use persuasive techniques such as reminders, notifications, and rewards to encourage engagement.
4. Monitor and track user behavior to gather data and make informed adjustments.
5. Continuously evaluate and refine the persuasive technology based on user feedback and outcomes.
Mental Model:
Persuasive Technology (PT)
AI Systems, Intended Behavior, Persuasive Technology
AI systems that persuade people towards an intended behavior
1. Clearly define the desired behavior change you want to achieve.
2. Design and develop technology that can facilitate and support the desired behavior.
3. Use persuasive techniques such as reminders, notifications, and rewards to encourage engagement.
4. Monitor and track user behavior to gather data and make informed adjustments.
5. Continuously evaluate and refine the persuasive technology based on user feedback and outcomes.